I've said it several times on global chat. Recruitment of clan members in Clash is like love. You don't want the one who wants you or the one you want doesn't want you. You get invited to join clans if you are clanless but you turn most invites down because you're looking for something else or your invite gets ignored because the player prefers a different clan.
On my current dilemma, it feels like I'm in the same context. Funny actually. I think I am going to use the cliche line for break up which is "It is not you...it's me". There is nothing wrong with my clan. How it works, works for most of the members. Maybe it is just me who is different.
I love my Cosa clan. I love it too much that I refused to be a permanent member, and just be a visitor, of some clans who invited me before. Cosa was started/built by the guys I've met from a clan I've joined in 2014. We all started it. Though it was them who thought of the name. The clan has grown for the past months after more high level actives came to join us. We are currently on clan level 5 and few more wins and we will reach level 6. It feels great especially if you have been a part of it from scratch. Teamwork paid off and it feels really good.
We just want to build a fun clan who takes war seriously. But I feel that as time goes by, the way they are going and where I am going is getting different. If this is a romantic relationship, I would think that this is the Seven Year Itch. Not that we have been together for seven years. For those who don't know what the Seven Year Itch is, it is a term used to describe how a relationship feels a little low when you and your partner reaches 7 years. So what couples are advised to do is go out, spend time together, etc. But I can't date my clan if you know what I mean. I'm thinking if this is one of those times that I need to go out and breathe. It is like having a boyfriend you truly love but the relationship isn't working anymore. A part of you wants to break up with him because it feels different but a part of you wants to hold on because maybe you are only having a moment and you only need to sit down and patch things with him. I am really confused.
Guess I need to play Vainglory or the new Need for Speed to divert my thoughts. Oh wait...maybe what I need to play is something with punch and kick to express my emotions like Tekken. Hmm... Nah. I'll just finish building my new Gundam Robot action figure.
Guess I need to play Vainglory or the new Need for Speed to divert my thoughts. Oh wait...maybe what I need to play is something with punch and kick to express my emotions like Tekken. Hmm... Nah. I'll just finish building my new Gundam Robot action figure.
Gerty... I'll give you a hug. Chocolate cake? Join the war now! Why opt out?
Soooo gerty 😄
Maybe you need a little spice ;)
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