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  • OneHive Raids: A Letter to Clash of Clans from the War Community

    The most heated up discussion on social media right now with regards to Clash is what the war community thinks about the concluded Clash of Clans event. If you have read the forums, Twitter posts and Youtube comments, you will have an idea of what COC players think about Clashcon and how they reacted with the comments of those who had been very vocal about their opinions.

  • You, your crush and the elevator

    When you end up riding in an elevator with only you and the guy/girl you like, there is a possibility that you'll get torn with two things..

  • Should I eat less when I'm on a date?

    I think I ate a lot of food that I feel so full I can maybe skip any meal the whole day until tomorrow wahahaha It feels so good I want to lie down and sleep. I had some baby back ribs, macaroni and cheese and a really delicious mashed potato at Racks.

  • Warcraft: The Beginning movie

    The Warcraft movie trailer has been released! Well I am 5 days late but... never mind. World of Warcraft players, DOTA and DOTA 2, and all MMORPG players are definitely excited for the showing of this movie. I'm not a hardcore player of DOTA but I like the game.

  • OneHive Raids: A Letter to Clash of Clans from the War Community

    The most heated up discussion on social media right now with regards to Clash is what the war community thinks about the concluded Clash of Clans event. If you have read the forums, Twitter posts and Youtube comments, you will have an idea of what COC players think about Clashcon and how they reacted with the comments of those who had been very vocal about their opinions.

  • You, your crush and the elevator

    When you end up riding in an elevator with only you and the guy/girl you like, there is a possibility that you'll get torn with two things..

May 8, 2017


Posted by Gerty | Monday, May 08, 2017 Categories:
I know!!!!! This is long overdue and all the drafts are still drafts. Life has been extremely busy than usual and I apologize. Will try to update so...

March 2, 2016

How my mind works at the moment

Posted by Gerty | Wednesday, March 02, 2016 Categories: ,
I'm a bit sad 'coz we lost the clan war today. I'm happy though that my hogs are awesome this war but...*sigh* I spent 15k DE just to see how my maxed hogs work. They are a beauty! I can move on and forget about the DE. I'm sure my Archer Queen can wait for her upgrade. I feel sleepy to be honest. I feel like I'm floating and as I read my twitter feeds, I made this post: ********** I know I told some of you that I'll try to update this...

February 1, 2016

Clan Chats - 1

Posted by Gerty | Monday, February 01, 2016 Categories: ,
Having this really fun chat with my clanmates. Sleazy fun but we're all adults. I feel that Jo reads me like a book sometimes hahaha  There was a saying, "A girl dreams about a bad boy who is gentle only for her. A boy wants a good girl who is naughty only for him" I read it somewhere... over the rainbow ;-P And I think it's a bit hot lately. Or maybe I just need a cold show...

January 29, 2016

That hurts

Posted by Gerty | Friday, January 29, 2016 Categories: ,
I hear a cracking sound... "It's important in life to conclude things properly. Only then can you let go. Otherwise you are left with words you should have said but never did, and your heart is heavy with remorse"           --- Yann Martel, Life of Pi ...ouch, it is my hea...

January 4, 2016

Number of times people fall in love

Posted by Gerty | Monday, January 04, 2016 Categories: ,
Saw on friend's Facebook page a quote which says (NV), "Ladies, the right man for you will pursue you. He won't leave you wondering whether he is into you or not" So... I realized that the right man came along and I let him go hahaha  Shocks... honesty! I think I ate too much ice cream. I also heard from the radio that a person falls in love 4 times in his/her lifetime.  Hmm... I still have two more chances. Oh wait.. Oh my gosh. I have one left. Oooh...
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